Pre-camp reflections
Read the introduction, objectives and theoretical background to the project and then answer the following questions:
- What interests you about this project?
For the Extraction of Caffeine from Beverages, I was interested to extract a very 'unique' chemical, that can either harm or cure. I also wonder what we would do after extracting the caffeine.
- What do you want to learn by doing this project?
For the Extraction of Caffeine from Beverages, I would like to learn how caffeine can affect us, and I would also like to know why caffeine can be found in so many things, but why do they cause different reactions?
- What questions do you have about this project?
For the Extraction of Caffeine from Beverages, I would like to know how do and can we extract caffeine from different type of sources. I would like to know if this experiment is important in real life.
- What do you personally want to have achieved by the end of this project?
Reflections on Plenary Sessions
For each plenary session, consolidate your learning by answering the following questions:
- What are your key learning points?
Plenary Session 1: By Prof Kerry Sieh, Director, Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS):
-Stratigraphy is a study when you collect layers from rocks to detemine the age and determine if it was from a tsunami.
-The sand that gets washed up onto the land after a tsunami would be left there, and over time, layers would be formed from years of washed up residues.
-Before megathrust earthquakes happen, islands get dragged down due to the plate's movement, but due to pressure in the subduction zone, during big earthquakes, they would suddenly raise up.
-GPS can be used to measure tectonic deformation.
-GPS and coral measurements can tell which part of the megathrust ruptured.
-Ages of corals can be found from radiometric dating, using decay from uranium to thorium.
-UPlift and subsidence can be measured using corals.
-The sand that gets washed up onto the land after a tsunami would be left there, and over time, layers would be formed from years of washed up residues.
-Before megathrust earthquakes happen, islands get dragged down due to the plate's movement, but due to pressure in the subduction zone, during big earthquakes, they would suddenly raise up.
-GPS can be used to measure tectonic deformation.
-GPS and coral measurements can tell which part of the megathrust ruptured.
-Ages of corals can be found from radiometric dating, using decay from uranium to thorium.
-UPlift and subsidence can be measured using corals.
-Geohazard studies include: Making forecasts, engineering of the effects of the coming tsunami of the city.
-Volcanoes, climate change, sealevel rise are examples of geohazards in Asia.
-Volcanoes, climate change, sealevel rise are examples of geohazards in Asia.
Plenary Session 2: "IT for Animation: by Prof Seah Hock Soon, School of Computer Engineering, Division of Computing Systems:
-Animation is an optical illusion of motion created by constant replay.
-Stopmotion is a part of storytelling
-2D Animation's process start with a script, then a storyboard, character design, sound, keyframe drawing, inbetween frame drawing, colouring, composition & shooting, final product.
-2D films and animations are more expensive than 3D ones.
-Mathematics are used to model the object.
-Geometric modeling include points, lines, surfaces, solides.
-Calculus can be used to create the special effects.
-Law of physics, include dynamics of fire, water, fabric movement.
-There are directional light, ambient light, diffuse lighting, specular lighting, and they all involve mathematics.
-Challenges of 2D animation: beautiful art form, skilled artists, labour intensive, and budget.
-Motion capture include, image processing, computer vision, graphics, robotics.
-Everyone can be an inventor. Identify & analyse the challenges before providing effective solutions.
-Animation is an optical illusion of motion created by constant replay.
-Stopmotion is a part of storytelling
-2D Animation's process start with a script, then a storyboard, character design, sound, keyframe drawing, inbetween frame drawing, colouring, composition & shooting, final product.
-2D films and animations are more expensive than 3D ones.
-Mathematics are used to model the object.
-Geometric modeling include points, lines, surfaces, solides.
-Calculus can be used to create the special effects.
-Law of physics, include dynamics of fire, water, fabric movement.
-There are directional light, ambient light, diffuse lighting, specular lighting, and they all involve mathematics.
-Challenges of 2D animation: beautiful art form, skilled artists, labour intensive, and budget.
-Motion capture include, image processing, computer vision, graphics, robotics.
-Everyone can be an inventor. Identify & analyse the challenges before providing effective solutions.
Plenary Session 3: "Innovative breakthroughs in Nano-Science and Nano-Technology: by Prof. Ma Jan, Chair, School of Materials Science & Engineering:
-There are Nano-technology, bio technology, electronic technology, and defence technology.
-There are Nano-technology, bio technology, electronic technology, and defence technology.
-Nano technology examples are shrinking information into a device the size of a sugar cube, detecting cancerous tumours when they are only a few cells.
-In the Nano-world, there are nano-particles, nano-materials.
-Scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope, surface area analyser can be used.
-Nano materials consist of materials coated for protection, and are bulletproof.
-Scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope, surface area analyser can be used.
-Nano materials consist of materials coated for protection, and are bulletproof.
- What new questions do you have about the topic?
Plenary Session 2: I would like to know more about animation.
Reflections on Applied Project Challenge: Your Accomplishments
- Discuss how the project has deepened your understanding and broadened your awareness of the selected discipline.
- What do you now understand about this discipline that you were unaware of at the beginning?
- Describe how what you have learned from doing this project can be connected to what you are learning at school.
Besides, it has been pair work, so basically this is trying to teach us to work together as a pair to fulfil this project.
- Describe how you can apply what you have learned from doing this project.
- At the end of the project, what new questions do you now have?
I would also like to try out different oils and different type of ball bearings (if there even is) for the Fastest Ball Challenge. We were only using one type of oil, and one type of ball bearing, so it would be good for us to know if other types of oil and ball would help to make the ball go faster.
Also, since the professor introduced us to molecular gastronomy, I would like to know how did this actually came by, and what are the benefits(and dangers) for our body and health.